At the end of this level it is expected that students can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

-->  Taken from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Film review.

Hello guys!

As promised here you have the requirements for your writing:
*  200-300 words
*  Use at least 7 of the following compound nouns and adjectives:
              Feature film                                   Wide-eyed
              Shoe-string budget                        Cold-blooded
              Opening-sequence                         Long-lasting
              Heart-throb                                   Action-packed
              Blockbuster                                   Heart-warming
              Road movie                                   Hair-raising
              Psychological thriller                      Cool-headed
              Film buff                                        Slow-moving
              Box office                                      All-time
              Special effects 
              Love story
*  Include film information. 
*  Must include: Summary/Synopsis, Strengths and weaknesses, Overall verdict/Recommendation.

Here are some tips** for you to write your film review:

1. If circumstances permit, view the film more than once.

2. Express your opinion of the film, but support your criticism. If you are offended or disappointed or embarrassed, provide a valid reason, even if you think it is obvious. 

3. Avoid spoilers, that is revealing the ending or important details that will ruin or diminish the enjoyment of watching the film for the first time.  

4. Judge the story. Are the character’s actions justified, and are their motives plausible? Is there an internal consistency to the way each person behaves, or do some words, thoughts, or actions ring false? Does the plot make sense? Is the story line logical? 

5. Rate the actors. Do they meet the expectations dictated by the plot and other story elements? If not, is it their own thespian shortcomings, are they hampered by a poor script, or is there something about their performances that makes you believe the director is at fault? What could the performers, the screenwriters, or the filmmaker have done differently to make the movie work better?

6. Evaluate the technical elements. How do the cinematography, editing, lighting, sound, and other components support or detract from the film? Is music appropriate and effectively employed? 

7. Give credit to the source where you got the information.

**Adapted from

Friday, September 27, 2013

Practice for Exam 1.

Well, we've gotten to that time; exam is just around the corner now. So here you have some links to practice some of the most important topics we worked with.

Remember, it's all about how we use the language.

To practice prefixes go here.

To practice habitual actions go here.

To review and practice vocabulary about emotions, check this post.

Do you think you need more practice? Drop me a line and I'll send you something.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Listening practice.

Hello guys!

Here's the song from the activity I gave you to practice. Do it without stopping the song, and without headphones as you won't be able to do that in class, ok?

Answer key.