At the end of this level it is expected that students can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

-->  Taken from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Exam Module I

Hello guys!

As promised here you have some links to practice:

Habitual actions, go here.
Present perfect simple and continuous, go here, and here.
Present perfect and Past simple, go here.
Narrative tenses, go here. Also, try this exercise. It's not easy, but it'll help you a lot.

You also need to study present simple vs. continuous and adjective intensifiers. You have these topics on your notebooks

Remember your Workbook has a CD with the option to test yourself. If you didn't do it before, take the tests for Units 9 , 2 and 3.

If you have any questions, drop a comment below.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Final exam

These are the topics we saw throughout the year.

You can study from the copies I gave you and the notes you took in class. You can also check your workbook.

Present tenses (check notebook, copies and doctor who activity)
Habitual actions in present and past (notebook, WB unit 9)
Narrative tenses (WB unit 3)
Simple and continuous forms. Stative verbs. (notebook, WB unit 2)
Infinitives and gerunds (notebook and presentation here in the blog)
Negatives and questions (WB unit 4)
Conjunctions (notebook)
Conditionals (notebook, WB unit 11)
Ellipsis (notebook)
Future tenses (WB unit 5)
Reporing structures (notebook)
Emphasis (notebook)
Modals -present and past, including would-  (WB units 7, 10)
Passive voice (WB unit 1)
Relative clauses (WB unit 8)

I hope you find this list useful. You should already know everything in it. You can go back to older posts in here to find practice for most topics.

If you want practice for the last topics, click here:  modal auxiliaries,  clauses.

Remember your Workbook has a CD with the option to test yourself, or you can make a test in here. However, you must remember your exam is only open questions, and these practice exercises are not.

Good luck guys! Thanks for a great year!

If you need any help, drop me a line.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Practice for Exam Module 4

Hi guys!

Here are some activities for you to study as promised. 

An easy one, but good practice for the difference between will and going to.
Future perfect. (pay attention to the list of verbs you have to use)

More reporting verbs. (again, pay attention to the list of verbs you have to use)
The game we played in class. Remember! It has a grammar explanation. 

I think you should be good to go with those. Do study and if you have questions, drop me a line in here, as I get a notification on my phone. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Last minute practice for the exam.


You can also take the test for Unit 11 with your iChecker. 

If you have any questions, write them in here. 

Good luck!