At the end of this level it is expected that students can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

-->  Taken from the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Review module 2.

Hello guys!

Exam is soon, so here you have something to help you study:

Infinitives and gerunds presentation.

Infinitives and gerunds practice. *

Infinitives and gerunds that change meaning practice. *

Negatives practice. 

Questions practice.

Hypothesizing practice 1 and practice 2.

Conditionals practice. *

Inversions explanation and practice  *

You can also practice with your iChecker (Workbook CD). Take the exams for Units 4 and 11.

As for the exercises above, if you're not going to do them all, try to do at least the ones with a * .

If you have any questions, leave a comment here.

Good luck!

Oh. Alejandro, Look what I found!

And... for those who do not share our love for Doctor Who, but like TBBT.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Hello guys!

Here you have the specs for your vlog:

     * Topic: dreams, wishes and regrets.
     * 2 sessions of 6 to 8min each. Optional to make 3 sessions of 4 to 5 min each.
     * Must be done in different days.
     * Must include several conditional sentences.
     * Vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency and content will be graded.
     * It’s not necessary to edit it, but must have clear image and sound.
     * Both sessions must be uploaded by the day of the exam.

        Send links to

Be creative guys!

Update: You'll have until Wednesday, but don't leave it for the very last minute. Ok?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Writing an essay

Hey guys!

A tad late, but here it is.


200-250 words
About one of the topics below
Using impersonal language
Must have the structure of an essay (4-5 paragraphs)
Must include 5 conjunctions from previous session. (highlighted)
Must include 10 infinitives and gerunds. (highlighted)

By computer

  • 80% to stay at Ciencias.
  • Does technology make us more alone?
  • Do teachers use technology well?
  • Does reality TV promote stereotypes?
  • Can a video game be a work of art?
  • Is school more designed for girls than boys?
  • Are football players overpaid?
  • When is the use of military force justified?
  • Is modern culture ruining childhood?
  • When should you be able to buy cigarettes, drink alcohol, vote, fight in wars?
  • Is it ethical to eat meat?
  • Do bystanders have a responsibility to intervene when there is trouble?

          Follow this link.

Impersonal language examples:

If you have any questions, leave a comment here.

Happy writing everyone!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Infinitives and Gerunds.

Here's the presentation if you need it.

As for the homework, you need to have the following activity on your notebooks. You can either copy the sentences, or print them,

Watch the video segment and circle the best verb for each sentence, according to the information presented in the segment. Then decide which form (gerund / infinitive / obj + gerunds or infinitive) of the words in parentheses is best.

1) The attorney refused/ wanted/ planned _____________ (accept) being replaced on the case by a Law student.

2) The defendant decided/ imagined/ claimed __________ (fire) her attorney on trial day.

3) Elle hates/loves/ avoids ___________ (wear) extravagant clothes .

4) The judge finally refused/ denied/ resolved ___________ (proceed) with the trial.

5) Elle's friends couldn't help / pretended / finished__________ (talk) about the court room in front of everyone.

6) The judge told/ asked/ begged ___________ (the ladies - take) a seat.

7) The witness explained/ urged / swore ______________ (tell ) the truth.

8) The witness claimed / showed / intended _________ (be) in the shower during the murder.

9) The witness denied / insisted/ warned __________ (hear) the gunshot.

10) The judge forbid/ prohibited/ let ______________ (Elle - make ) her final point.

11) The witness admitted / proved/ avoided ___________ (kill) her father by mistake.

12) Finally, the judge prohibited / allowed / pretended_________ (the witness - go) free.

This activity is due Wednesday, October 29th. 

Taken from

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Practice for exam 1

Hello guys!

Here's some stuff for you to practice for the exam:

Habitual actions, go here.
Narrative tenses, go here.  Also, try this exercise. It's not easy, but it'll help you a lot.
Present perfect simple and continuous, go here, and here.
Present perfect and Past simple, go here.
Make or do, go here.

Aside from this, remember your Workbook has a CD with the option to test yourself. Take the tests for Units 2 and 3.

If you have any questions, drop a comment below.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mary and Max

Hi guys!

Have you ever heard of Asperger's? This is a movie that deals with that topic. It's rather cute. 

Here's is the trailer:

Now, answer the following questions on your notebook?

1. Have you ever had a pen pal or an online friend? Why (not)?
2. Is it a good idea to have pen pals or online friends? Explain it.
3. Are they real friends? Or it just a fantasy?

You also need to complete these sentences on your notebook using Present Perfect or Simple Past. We will check the answers in class. (You can print and paste the page if you want)

I ____________ (choose) the same numbers for nine years. 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12.
I _____________ (have) many different jobs during my life.

My first job ______ (be) collecting subway tokens in the subway.

I __________ (work) at the frisbee printing machine in my third job.

In my fourth job, I _____________ (get - neg) paid much but ________ (get) free cookies and coffee.
____________ (you - ever - be) hang gliding?

_____________ (you - ever - be) a communist?

_____________ (you - ever - be) attacked by a crow or a similar large bird. When I __________ (be) nine, a crow _________ (attack) me on my way to school.
I _________________ (teach) myself to read two pages at once.

I have to go now. I __________ (tell - neg) you about my 7th job, in a condom factory.
I _______________ (eat - never) sweetened condensed milk.

I ________________ ( use - never) a condom.

Friday, July 11, 2014


I know we're on vacations, but I found this interesting since we saw some of these definitions in class.


Have fun everyone!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Final exam.

These are the topics we saw throughout the year. You can study from the vocabulary and grammar builder copies I gave you.

Present tenses (check notebook and doctor who activity)
Habitual actions in present and past
Narrative tenses
Simple and continuous forms. Stative verbs.
Infinitives and gerunds (there's a presentation here in the blog)
Future tenses
Reporing structures
Modals -present and past, including would-
Passive voice

I hope you find this list useful. You should already know everything in it. You can go back to older posts in here to find practice for most topics.

If you want practice for the last topics, click here:  modal auxiliaries,  vocabulary.

Good luck guys!!!

If you need any help, drop a comment.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Exam Module 4.

Hello guys!

Here's some practice for you before the exam.


Reporting structures: practice 1
                                practice 2 (be careful to use the list of verbs provided on the page)
                                Power point presentation we saw in class.
This is the game we played in class. At the end there's a detailed explanation of each example.

Synonyms of walk. (don't worry if you don't know them all, you should just know the ones we saw in class)

Phrasal verbs with run.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Writing assessment.

Letter of complaint. 

You have just returned from a short holiday in London and are very disappointed. Write a letter of 200-250 words to the customer services department of the company complaining about the holiday and the way in which the advertisement misled you.

First paragraph - Say why you are writing.
Middle section - Put each major complaint in a separate paragraph.
Final paragraph - Say what you expect the company to do. Finish with an appropriate set phrase.

Remember to use formal language. You can use some of the phrases you got from the activity in the classroom.

Letter is due on Tuesday for groups ABCD, and on Wednesday for groups EFG.

See you soon.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Reading project.

Here's the file as you saw it in class.

Projects are due on April 8th for groups ABCD, and on April 11th for groups EFG.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Hi guys!

I found this little video about emphasis. It's not very entertaining, but can help you clarify some questions you have on this matter.

You can also check the sentences we used in the game in here.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Exam Module 3

Here you have the topics for the next exam, and some links to practice:
This one is very easy for you, but it'll help you practice the difference between willand going to.

Here you can practice future continuous and future perfect. Pay attention to the list of verbs you have to use!
Vocabulary from unit 5.
Vocabulary from unit 6. (pay particular attention to this one)

Edit:  Mixed conditionals practice.

Questions? Leave a comment here.

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Book.

Hi guys!

This is what we're reading the rest of the year. I hope you enjoy it! You need to download the file into your device, it'll be easier that way.

If you have not watched the movie yet, please refrain from doing so. It'd be better that way.

See you in class!

Kindle file.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Writing a short story.

Here you'll find something that may be useful for you to write your story.

Remember to keep it simple and well written. It's important to introduce your characters: tell us about them, help us understand them, make us care about them. 

Write a short story for kids.
The main character should be an animal, although you can include non-animal characters if you want to do so.
400 to 600 words. 

Due date is January 20th. You can send it by email up to the 19th, or bring a printed version on the 20th.